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Got Mask-ne?

As if we don’t have enough skin issues to deal with we are now facing a new demon- face mask related skin problems. Using a mask obstructs the free ventilation of pores on the face, especially in areas like nose, cheek and chin. More and more we are seeing cases where our patients at DermFx develop acne breakouts, excessive dryness, and irritated skin from prolonged mask use.

Let’s face it- wearing a face mask is something nobody enjoys. But for now it’s just something we have to deal with on a daily basis, so we may as well give our face a fighting chance! We have been working hard to figure out the perfect combination of treatments to help our patients combat their mask enemies.

The #1 combination of treatments are SmoothBeam and Hydrafacial. These two treatments combined with the proper skin “nutrition” aka a good skin care regimen will have your face glowing in no time.

The SmoothBeam is a non-invasive laser designed to combat the effects of acne and aging skin. It delivers laser energy through your skin’s surface to stimulate the production of collagen and change the function of the sebaceous glands that cause acne. This process is painless and therefore no numbing or prep-time is necessary.

The Hydrafacial delivers lasting skin health and can be completely tailored to meet the specific needs of your skin type. The best part is the results are instant and noticeable and will leave your pores clean and your skin glowing. The HydraFacial removes dead skin cells and extracts impurities while also drenching the skin with cleansing, hydrating and moisturizing serums. Who doesn’t love that?

Having SmoothBeam and Hydrafacial treatments is only half the battle. It’s up to you to keep up with maintenance.

This should be a given, but please cleanse, exfoliate and moisturize your face twice a day with good quality skin care products. This will prevent the accumulation of bacteria and the excess of natural oil that your skin produces. We recommend ZO Skin Health Gentle Cleanser if you have normal/oily skin  or their  Hydrating Cleanser if you have dryer skin. The ZO Skin Health Exfoliating Polish or their Dual Action Scrub will keep dead skin cells at bay and allow your pores to breath. Whether you have oily or dry skin you have to keep your skin hydrated with a moisturizer and/or serum. For an affordable and light moisturizer for everyday use we recommend our DermFx Ultra-light Moisturizer with green tea and Co-Q10. To keep your HA (hyaluronic acid) levels boosted we also recommend The HA Intensifier Serum by SkinCeuticals. Want more recommendations? Ask your provider at your next appointment! 

Don’t forget about your lips! They are constantly covered and suffering from the friction of your face coverings. Use lip balms with coconut and Shea butter to hydrate your lips throughout the day and especially in the evenings before bed to keep them from dehydrating while you sleep.

Since your face is not fully visible under your face covering we recommend skipping makeup altogether or only applying makeup from the eyes up. This will help reduce the nasties under your mask and give your skin a much deserved break! Use oil-free and hypoallergenic makeup when possible.

*Bonus DIY trick: Take Aloe Vera gel and freeze it into ice cube trays. In the evenings as part of your nightly skin care routine, rub the cold Aloe cubes on your face for extra relief for irritated skin and to help fight acne.